Friday, June 7, 2013

Bring Me Some Apples and I'll Make You a Pie - Contemporary Fiction Picturebook

Gourley, R. (2009) Bring Me Some Apples and I'll Make You a Pie. Clarion Books: New York.

This book takes you through the harvest season from strawberries, to greens, to honey, to cherries, etc on finally to nuts and apples.  All the while the kids talk about what wonderful food they will have because of that specific harvest, like pie or bread or honey on their biscuits.  There are also quotes that are inferred to be lessons that the children have learned from their ancestors about those harvest.  The kids appreciate the fruits of their harvest and how their hard work is necessary to keep them happy all winter long.

Contemporary fiction picture book - contemporary realism.  For grades K-3.  Illustrations are watercolors.

You would know know that this book has any connections to slaves had you not read the inside cover.  The main characters live in a town in Virginia called Freetown.  It was a community of freed slaves founded by Edna Lewis (the main character's family).  Although fiction, the story is on her life and the lesson that she learned to use fresh, local ingredients whenever possible.

This is a book read aloud book because of the sense that are conjured up the food described.  Students can almost listen to the book without the pictures and then talk about what the book makes them think of.  How do they feel after reading the book?

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