Friday, June 7, 2013

Under the Quilt of Night - Historical Fiction Picture book

Hopkinson, D. (2001). Under the Quilt of Night. Atheneum Books: New York.

This story is a true historical fiction story from the point of view of a child who is traveling the Underground Railroad to get to freedom.  What makes this book unique is that the story is broken into sections: Running, Waiting, Watching, Hiding, Traveling, and Singing.  It tells of the experiences and the feelings of the main character through each step they take.  This story is the most true to fact about what I have always heard about the experiences of the Underground Railroad.

Historical Fiction Picture book - Grades K-3.  Oil paintings.

This book is typical of most historical representations of what I've grown up learning about the Underground Railroad.  Slaves had to escape and were often afraid and their escapes would often having them run at night and hide during the day.  They would find safe houses where there would be signs and special codes or signals that they would know to say.  I still find the communication of it all to be remarkable when you think about it!

This book lends itself well to a reading response.  Because of the sections, students can read and respond wither written or orally about how they would feel if that were them.  They can also make predictions based upon the section title as to what is going to happen.  This will activate their prior knowledge as well.

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